Charlene Branham is a Reiki Master, Sound Therapy Expert. Kurt and Charlene Branham started the business together. Kurt Branham is retired after 13 years as a Sheriff Deputy in Canyon County. Charlene worked the business as it grew, and Kurt helped when he was off until he retired. Now, they both run the business together. They do their business and raise their family of two daughters at the same time.

Their dream was to help bring the community together with something that they love. Which is gems and minerals. They love taking people out rock hounding and showing them what to do and look for. They try hard at keeping a positive atmosphere at their shops. They make sure they have a good inventory of gems and minerals from everywhere even local. They like to share their knowledge by offering classes to learn about rocks and crystals and even have wire wrapping classes along with cab classes. They started Earth Brite Rock Hounders Club to take people out rock hounding and have fun.

They embrace their spiritual side with classes in tarot cards, crystal healing, meditation, and more. They offer rock hounding trips with their club and have a sand pit dig for kids to dig up thundereggs, nodules, crystals and pretty rocks. Earth Brite is very involved in their community. If you’re local, stop by! You can also check out their upcoming events on our website.
